Seminar on future Korea - Japan relations after the inauguration of the new Japanese PM

2024-10-23 일본 신임 총리 취임 이후 한일관계 전망 세미나-4.jpg 2024-10-23 일본 신임 총리 취임 이후 한일관계 전망 세미나-9.jpg 2024-10-23 일본 신임 총리 취임 이후 한일관계 전망 세미나-11.jpg 2024-10-23 일본 신임 총리 취임 이후 한일관계 전망 세미나-6.jpg

KITA (Chairman Jin Sik Yoon) hosted a "Seminar on future Korea - Japan relations after the inauguration of the new Japanese PM" on Wedesday, 23 October at the Trade Tower in Gangnam-gu Seoul. 

The seminar was organised to share information on potential policy shifts resulting from the inauguration of a new Prime Minister and discuss strategies on how our companies should respond to any shift in policy. A total  of 100 people attended the seminar, including Mr Ki-hyeon Kim, the Executive Director of the International Cooperation Group from KITA, Mr Gak-soo Shin, a former ambassador to Japan, businesspeople engaging in business in Japan and figures from the academia.

Ki-hyeon Kim, the Executive Director of the International Cooperation Group from KITA mentioned, "Korea and Japan have maintained close economic ties as long-standing trading partners" and advised, "Our companies should pay close attention to information provided by experts as a change in economic and trade policies are expected with the inauguration of Prime Minister Ichiba."

KITA has been holding seminars on topics to offer information that are relatively not accessible by companies, such as Japan's labour regulations and requirements of establishing a local corporate in Japan, which companies intending to do business in Japan should be aware of to meet strict requirements. KITA is collaborating with Kansai Association of Corporate Executives - one of three main economic associations in Japan - to strengthen exchanges and economic cooperation of companies of Korea and Japan by holding joint events.