The 183rd KITA CEO Breakfast Meeting

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KITA (Chairman: Jin-Sik Yoon) hosted the 183rd KITA CEO Breakfast Meeting on Thursday, 28 November at Grand International Parnas in Gangnam-gu, Seoul by inviting Mr Chol-joo Hwang as a speaker, who is the CEO of Jooseong Engineering as well as a renowned first generation start-up leader. This meeting was attended by approximately 200 senior KITA figures, including the Chairman, members of the board of directors and officials from key member companies. 

KITA has been holding CEO Breakfast Meetings since 2005 to support knowledge sharing and networking among member companies. Up until know, prominent government officials involved in policymaking, CEOs of renonwn companies, well-known figures in the fields of economy, culture, social issues and arts have been invited as speakers.

For this Breakfast Meeting, Mr Chol-joo Hwang shared his guiding principles in doing business under the title of "1% of new growth vs remaining 99%?", which led to a success of exporting home-make semiconductor equipment produced with home-grown technologies".

Mr Hwang mentioned, "New standards are the foundation for new growth" and added, "New growth can be achieved by coupling 1% of innovative spirit by the CEO with 99% of trust from employees". He stressed the fastest way to gain trust is to "share" and reiterated the importance of trust as strong leadership is always buttressed by trust.

He also mentioned, "Achieving technological innovation is the only path to Korea's sustainable growth and highlighted, "In the age of breakneck pace of sharing technology and information, technological innovation is the sole answer to a more prosperous country with happier people for a small country only occupying 0.07% of world's surface area and 0.64% of global population". 

KITA Chairman said, "Deep insights and wisdom offered by a renowned legendary figure who achieved global-scale success will serve as a key in navigating an uncharted territory of endless transitions" and added, "It is our hope that today's lecture will offer a chance to be the "1% leader", who will lead new growth".