Middle East - Korea Trade and Industry Cooperation Forum

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KITA (Chairman: Jin-Sik Yoon), Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE), Sogang University EURO-Mena Institute and the Korea-Arab Society co-hosted the Middle East - Korea Trade and Industry Cooperation Forum on Thursday, 19 December at the Trade Tower in Gangnam-gu, Seoul. 

This forum was organised to fully utilise and expand trade networks in the Middle East and Korea and ponder on possibie avenues for cooperation in the energy supply chain and plant construction sectors. A total of 150 people attended the forum, including Ki-hyun Kim, the Executive Vice President from the International Cooperation Group at KITA, Jong-won Park, the Deputy Minister for Trade from MOTIE, Chang-mo Kim, the Secretary-General of Korea - Arab Society, Prof. Hyeon-do Park from Sogang University EURO-Mena Institute, H.E. Abdulla Saif Al Nuaimi, the Ambassador of UAE and businesspeople from relevant industry sectors.